course description
Publication Design I is an introductory course in the use of the computer for page layout and composition. This course covers critical application of basic computer operating principles with an emphasis on publication design, the use of type and layout as key elements in graphic communication, importing text and graphics, arranging publication pages and producing camera ready artwork for reproduction.
student learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
student learning outcomes
Upon completion of this course students should be able to:
» Demonstrate the use of various commands and tools appropriately in the creation of documents;
» Identify basic elements of typography and the correct use of type for headlines and body copy;
» Identify the various functions performed by service bureaus;
» Critique page layout and design in terms of composition and presentation;
» Specify ink colors and paper for a variety of applications for class projects.
» Enter text and integrate graphics into publication design documents;
» Scan photographs, illustration and original art for use in publication design;
» Arrange publication pages for effective communication;
» Produce a camera-ready page using elements of page design, composition and presentation;
» In the case of course repetitions, use advanced skills and techniques on projects that demonstrate additional knowledge and ability to solve problems within a creative framework.
course format
Lecture, studio + homework. Classes will be divided into lecture time and studio time. Lecture time will be used for the introduction of new concepts and principles to be utilized in the in-class exercises and design solutions. The remainder of the class period will be devoted to studio time. There will not be enough time in the studio to complete assignments. According to college policy, you should expect to spend a minimum of 5 hours of independent work time outside of class. Everyone is expected to stay for the entire class period, even if you have a computer at home.
required texts + materials
Exploring Adobe® InDesign® CS5 by Terry Ryberg
sketchbook + portable media device
recommended text
class policies
recommended text
InDesign Type by Nigel French
Attendance. Attendance and punctuality are mandatory. I am required by the college to take attendance at each class meeting. A sign-in sheet will be available each class meeting. You are responsible for signing it. If you don’t, I will assume you were not here.
Class conduct. EVERYONE is expected to have a good attitude, make an effort and contribute to class discussions and critiques.
Participation. Your participation in this class is vital to your development and the development of your cohorts. Design is a communicative medium and the more we look, listen and talk about our processes and outcomes the more we learn. I expect each student to give his/her full attention during lectures, demonstrations and critiques and to participate fully in all class discussions. Don’t be a bore!
Deadlines. All assignments must be completed and submitted by the due date. Assignments must be submitted at the beginning of class to be eligible for full credit. Late assignment submission will result in the deduction of 10 points per day in addition to a forfeiture of points designated for the critique (see critiques section below). Assignments will not be accepted after three days from deadline—NO EXCEPTIONS. If you need to miss a class, please let me know in advance so that we may make arrangements for assignments. Home computer failure is not a valid excuse for missed deadlines.
Critiques. Critiques are a critical part of this course and all students are expected to participate. Upon the completion of each solution, we will have a full-class critique to evaluate the evolution and resolution of your designs. You are expected to come prepared to present your work, discuss your concepts and forms and describe your methods for arriving at your final solution.
Participation. Your participation in this class is vital to your development and the development of your cohorts. Design is a communicative medium and the more we look, listen and talk about our processes and outcomes the more we learn. I expect each student to give his/her full attention during lectures, demonstrations and critiques and to participate fully in all class discussions. Don’t be a bore!
Deadlines. All assignments must be completed and submitted by the due date. Assignments must be submitted at the beginning of class to be eligible for full credit. Late assignment submission will result in the deduction of 10 points per day in addition to a forfeiture of points designated for the critique (see critiques section below). Assignments will not be accepted after three days from deadline—NO EXCEPTIONS. If you need to miss a class, please let me know in advance so that we may make arrangements for assignments. Home computer failure is not a valid excuse for missed deadlines.
Critiques. Critiques are a critical part of this course and all students are expected to participate. Upon the completion of each solution, we will have a full-class critique to evaluate the evolution and resolution of your designs. You are expected to come prepared to present your work, discuss your concepts and forms and describe your methods for arriving at your final solution.
Please be aware that a portion of each solution’s grade is based on your participation in the class critique. Should you need to turn in work early and be absent from the critique, for any reason, you will forfeit your eligiblity for the 25 points designated for the critique portion of the assignment.
Plagiarism. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly. The punishment for academic dishonesty will vary according to the seriousness of the offense and may include, but is not limited to a lowered or failing grade; placement on disciplinary probation or suspension; expulsion from the college.
Drop policy. Students who do not attend two consecutive class meetings, without notice to the instructor, will be automatically dropped.
Courtesies. No guests are allowed in class—only registered students, please. No active cell phones or text messaging. Computers are for classroom use and should not be used for personal internet surfing or emailing.
Plagiarism. Plagiarism in any form is unacceptable and will be dealt with accordingly. The punishment for academic dishonesty will vary according to the seriousness of the offense and may include, but is not limited to a lowered or failing grade; placement on disciplinary probation or suspension; expulsion from the college.
Drop policy. Students who do not attend two consecutive class meetings, without notice to the instructor, will be automatically dropped.
Courtesies. No guests are allowed in class—only registered students, please. No active cell phones or text messaging. Computers are for classroom use and should not be used for personal internet surfing or emailing.
All solutions must be completed in Adobe® InDesign®. Do not produce your layouts in any other software. I cannot assign credit to solutions created in other programs.
Design solution grades will be assigned based on the following criteria:
» Demonstrated understanding of formal principles and concept development
» Demonstrated understanding of software
» Production + craft
» Presentation/Critique
Course grades will be assigned based on the following criteria:
Course grades will be assigned based on the following criteria:
400 pts. In-Class Exercises (20 @ 20 pts. each)
400 pts. Design Solutions (4 @ 100 pts. each)
800 pts. Total
800–716 A
715–636 B
635–556 C
555–476 D
475–000 F
Proof of project completionProof of project completion rests with the student. Be sure to keep both hard and electronic files of all of your work as well as keep graded projects. You will need this documentation if there is a discrepancy in grading.
Proof of project completionProof of project completion rests with the student. Be sure to keep both hard and electronic files of all of your work as well as keep graded projects. You will need this documentation if there is a discrepancy in grading.